It's been that time of year once again were I add yet another year to the tally, and this year I got a Dark Apostle and his Disciples from my wife. As tradition dictates I went straight to work. The model is once again of such quality and richness of detail that it takes forever to paint with a high risk of having to revisit areas as you notice even more details that you forgot to paint. It is also necessary to paint it in sub assemblies to be able to get to all the details. I greatly enjoy painting these as it really gives you some bang for the buck, but I do not envy those trying to make a full army of these new highly detailed models (or it might just be that I am getting old and do not have the energy of the young). All in all I think it is great to be a collector of models rather than a gamer and I think I could fully occupy my self with just painting character models.
As for colors I went with the same metallic crimson that I used on last years raptors. I really like the effect. The robes were done in a matching back to purple shade. I tried to avoid going to overboard with the shade here but they still got some distinctive highlights. As usual I would like to point out that the effects on the new models are not to my liking as I simply can not get them to match the rest of the model and removing them is to much work.

All in all I am really happy with how it turned out, and it has a special place in my collection (and heart) as it was a gift from the wife. Hope the rest of you also like it.
Very nice.
SvaraRaderaThat fellow with the book on his back is fantastic.
He is an interesting due, especially as I assume the big blade sticking out of his abdomen is his CC weapon...