For my birthday I got a kit with Eavy Metal Edge Lining paints and a box of finecast Black Templar Sword Bretheren from my wife. Now I have not worked a lot with finecast, just one model before but I must say that it was quite a nostalgic moment. The models are highly detailed, very sharp edges and of course a lot of warping. In the old times, late 90th and early 2000 metal models had the same detail and where often bent and misshapen from their stay in the blister pack. This was before white metal and so the models where quite easy to bend back into some form of straightness. The same was the case with my sword bretheren, the chainswords where bent and wobbly some of the models had clear missalighnments between front and back and some had obvious under castings giving them a somewhat famined look.

But sine they where a birthday present I love them, they are looking super cool and as my wife pointed out, they will fit right in with my Desert Eagles in robes. Well I started with some hot water straigthening of the models and got them ok, not great but straight enough. The I set about painting them and I am super pleased with the result. I think they are even better looking as Desert Eagles than my Death Wing Knights. However, looking closely at the models one can see that my drybrushing technique is not working as well on finecast as it does on plastic. The surface is slightly rougher so it tends to form a more knobbly texture when dry brushed, this sadly means that the shading is not as smooth and even as on the plastics. On the other hand, the details are much sharper and gives a great contrast. I am also still experimenting with my new recipe for Desert Eagle armour so the colouration differs somewhat between models.

On the topic of paints, I did not think I would use the edge lining paints as much as I do, since I mostly drybrush, but they are excellent to pic out details and give an extra edge to things. So all in all I am very happy with my presents.