lördag 6 april 2024

Sydonian Skatros a.k.a the stilt man

This year I got a Sydonian Skatros from my wife for my birthday. This is somewhat of a controversial model as it seams to evoke either feelings of love or hatred for the design. It is definitely a mechanicum model with its arcane look and unconventional design. It was quickly dubbed "the stilt man" when released. I can not say that it was a favourite of mine as it is clearly an unpractical design. But once I got to sit down with it, it sort of grew on me. I used my custom ranger scheme on him with a leather suit and olive green armour. I kept all the armour, legs, and weapon in one colour which I think helps smooth things out so that the individual details of the model does not yar the eye as much. And once that happened I actually started to like the design. It is still un-practical but in a swamp or deep ash layers I could see something like this being used to keep out of the muck. But still, once you go over you ain't coming back up.

I like the back pack on this model with the extra arms holding the range finder and some new ammo clips. I think this could have been a nice addition to more of the mechanicum infantry.

I am however not a fan of the tail pipe hanging so far down his back. I can't see any point for it to be that long and it does look strange from the front.

I also started working on my last two pteraxii together with the Skatros but realized I could not keep the standar up on all three models at the same time and so I focused on the Skatros (as it was a present to be enjoyed, not rushed in a batch paint). Now that the Skatros is done I will complete the Pteraxii squad. Then we will se what is up next for the mechanicum. I still have the forge lord to complete and also a marshal as well as a Onager.