After finishing Varangian I felt I needed to clean the palette and do something that is not rusted metal and weathering. So I picked up a Keeper of Secrets. I think this model is fantastic as it is disturbingly androgynous and very intimidating even though it is not in a classic battle pose. There were however some minor details around the chest area were I felt the sculptors had been censored to much to really portray the model in it true form (or atleast that is my opinion). Well, that was some thing I could address with some GS. Perhaps not as clean as the original sculpt but still more to my liking.
The model was painted in my standard blue grey slaanesh tones, with purple robes. I tried to keep it to a minimum of colors but still adding depth to the colors. This was done by first airbrushing the model in three tones of grey. Then applying very watered down colors in multiple stages as well as using dry-brushing and wet blending. One problem I had with this approach was that the very thin layers of paint flaked of at some points and that the dry-brushing easily wore through the layers down to the black base. So if one looks closely one might see black edges and holes here and there as a result of this.
All the metal parts were made a heavily oxidized bronze buy using a dark green base, dry-brushed with bronze, copper and mithril. This is then washed with bright blues and greens before getting a second pass with the dry brushing to get the edges more metallic.
All and all an interesting model to paint.

It’s a superb model and you did it justice.
SvaraRaderaThanks. It is very different from your average GW sculpt with a very quite menacing look.
RaderaI'd been trying to figure out where the head was from. Then I dropped into the GW in Banbury at the weekend and saw the box.
SvaraRaderaAs Siph says, you've done a brilliant job there. appropriately smooth.
Thank you. Not the most durable paint job but smooth. Very happy with how the modifications turned out.