So, I got the last big piece for Varangian painted, the laser blaster. This was a tricky bit to paint as the the barrels are partially blocking each other and I had to mount them before painting to get them straight, and it is a big piece. Next time over I might need to come up with some scheme to mount part of the barrels before painting but leaving one or two off until after. We will see if that ever happens.
Apart from that I am pleased with how it turned out. I am not a big fan of the shield design for this gun but I could not come up with a reasonable mod so I kept it as is, just added a cogwheel and some skeletal wings to tie it in with the rest of Varangian. At this point I am getting a bit tiered of this build and do not have that many new ideas so I just go with what I have or make minimal adjustments.
I have the shields for the back almost done and I am working on the last GS for the front shields and the crew. Once that is done it is time for the final paint and assembly. The I will have a post with some finished pictures.

Keep going mate! Nearly done! Looking fantastic
SvaraRaderaDon't give in ! It's brilliant, have another BBQ !