fredag 21 april 2017

Ahriman Arch-Sorcerer of Tzeentch

Finished the disk for my Easter egg Ahirman. I really like this model apart from a few practical and aesthetic things. First of I don't like when they add things like smoke, magical effects, flames etc to the models. These things are hard to paint in a realistic way as they would need, in most cases, to be semi transparent, which they for natural reasons are not. I which they would add al these things as add-ons that are optional for the model. Second thing is an inevitable point of 3D CAD sculpting vs plastic castings. When they do large flowing objects like robes and capes etc. it might look fabulous in the CAD model but once you cut it up for casting it happens, like on this model that it turns out you need to cut pieces of the cape of to be able to cast it and then glue the pieces back together afterwards. This means that you need to green stuff the glued together pieces if you do not want edges in your large fabrics, which might be hard to do. In this case I must admit that I was lazy and just glued the model together and painted it, which means there are some unseemly seams to be seen. But apart from this the sculpt is really nice and there are tons of detail that does not really need to be "painted in" but shows up with some basic contrast in the color. So, even if I think the sculptors really should think more about the casting when sculpting I still enjoy this new era of plastic highly detailed quality models. In fact it might even come to a point when the models are to detailed so that it takes to long to paint them to actually make an army of many models. But that is a luxury problem that I will gladly live with.

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