Well, well. Once again I have been neglecting my updates. Not that there has been much to post lately as I have been traveling and doing other stuff than hobbying (like sleeping). But once in a while I have been dragging my self into the hobby room to ship away at the pile of things to do.
One of the things that has been sitting on my desk it the Dark Commune that I got for Christmas from my wife. These are gorgeous models with a lot of detail and a lot of small fragile details. That means that they have to be painted in sub-assemblies and then put together and a lot of touch ups where the glue melts things off or were the colours do not match. That means it takes some time to do these models justice.
I choose to paint them up to match the Dark Apostle I got earlier, which meant that I went for a grey and purple look for robes and pants of the models. The metal parts got the usual rusted treatment. I also tried my hand at some OSL from the flames, but I think I need to go back and enhance it a bit. I also thinking about doing this on the Apostel model to match. Not sure yet if I can pull it off.
I have also been working on the Opus, and it is slow work as it so big. I am currently working on the hangar bay. I decide that it would be better to add an internal skin of panels rather than trying to detail all the external parts internally. Now all miss matches will be cowered in the area in-between and will hopefully not be visible. To help with the detailing I bought the Necromunda columns and walls kit. This will be applied at various places but primarily for the access arches to the gun ports and as emergency dividing walls for the different sections of the bay.
I also started out on the flooring. At the moment it is one large piece to make sure it all lines up along the hull. I might cut it up at some point (depending on how the details end up) to make it into more manageable sections. Once I hade it and the walls in place I put some of the flight wing into the storage to see how many I could fit, and it turned out to be 8-9 aircraft, a bit depending on how I want to treat the elevators. This is more or less what I did expect. With the second floor I guess I could fit another 6-8 craft which would mean that all craft I have fit inside except for the heavy fighter who are to tall to fit on the levels. I could probably get two of them onto some elevators and park them at an intermediate level, but that would seriously limit the space on the second floor.
So I think that the storage area in the hull is not meant to store all craft, but just a way to make space on the deck for flight operations. If the Opus needs to be lifted into orbit or the deck cleared for other reasons the craft would just have to relocate to a land based base instead.
How many craft are you keeping folded up inside for a sneek peek?
SvaraRaderaI am not sure how many will eventually be store inside once it is painted. All in all there are currently 19 craft in total, and it is a bit crowded on the flight deck when they are all there... but I also do not want to hide to many.