So I am unstuck. After last weeks blog I was a bit beaten but I have recovered. After a few evenings of painting I finally managed to get the insides of Wolfish Perversion painted and have now started to assemble the parts. As soon as the glue is dry I will start pinning and then I can assemble the rest. As I felt good about the progress with the warhound I decided to give myself a treat and paint up the knee pads for the Reaver. Once I get the upper body mounted on the legs is is time to start cleaning up the weapons so that I can mount the arms in the proper position. I hink I will alos do the reaver weapons at this point as I will be needing them as I start to pose the Reaver. Well this will be all for now. Hope fulle things will go a bit smother now.

Underlaget gör inte riktigt att själva figuren kommer till rätta, det distraherar lite för mycket =)
SvaraRaderaJag håller med faktiskt, bättre med ren vit bakgrund som den M använt sig av tidigare!
SvaraRaderaFår ha det i åtanke i fortsättningen. Underlaget är min målar yta och mönstret är 20 år av ackumulerad färg.