This week I have mostly finished some of the models I was working on when the Entropy project hit. First of I finished the Dark Angel terminator I was working at the time. I had also started a I also finished a Vorax for my Mechanium army. Once this was done and I had settled some of the itching I had for working on the rusted up armor plates of Entropy I decided I would treat my self to a "character like" model, butterfly syndrome. So I picked up one of the exalted sorcerers I got from my wife I while a go that I had been saving for such an occasion. These models are crazy detailed, even if they are not true character models, and they are a joy to paint. Due to the very high level of detail I could work with a very simple color scheme as I the details will give the model all the depth and contrast it needs without having to many color fields. That being said I did choose to make the armor in the same way I did on Magnus and Ahriman, i.e. a silver metal with streaks of blue, violet, green and yellow. I think I managed to get the colors a bit better this time and I really like the effect. The rest was also done similar to Ahriman, purple robes and a color shifting white cloak.
I also decided that it was time to start with the arm weapons for Varangian. This is something I have been putting of, waiting for the back piece to be finished, but I am starting to realize that the amount of work I have to put in to the dragons is taking to much time. So I drilled out the barrel of the volcano cannon and added some magnets for the shields. For the fist I decided that I would magnetize the wrist so that I can rotate the hand later on to the right position. So I added two 10 mm magnets with a 4 mm central hole to the wrist pieces and a 4 mm M4 rod going through both magnets and being anchored in the elbow. This should make it solid enough not to drop off. I have also been thinking about the mega bolter and how to magnetize it. Both the back of the hand and the underside of the mega bolter is rather detailed so adding big magnets was out of the question. The two pieces are however extremely well molded to each other so the mega bolter is really well oriented and can not move in the plane of the hand two pair os small, 4.5 mm, magnets is enough to keep it from falling off. I put them on the armor trim and hope that the thicker metallic paints will keep the magnets covered. I still have not added all the parts to the bolter but so far it is sitting still. I could add another pair of magnets at a third position if it turns out it is not enough.

Well that is all for now... I will add some small standard chaosifications to the volcano cannon and then I can start painting. The shields need some more advanced green stuffing so they will have to wait a bit.