We have finally found our camera again. It had been face down in a field for two weeks, suffering both snow and rain as well as some trampling. Well we brought it in, wiped it down, dried it out and now we can take some pictures again. Apart from this my hobby time the last weeks has gone to other family related activities so I dont really have that much new to show.

I did however get an impulse to make myself a command vehicle for my Desert Eagles. I hade done one a long time ago for my Dark Angels, based on the old rhino model so I started looking through my stach of boxes and lo and behold, I found an old rhino kit that hadnt been to badly raided. So I started to look for more bits and managed to get something together. The bolter racks at the back was not really meant to be there but it was the only peaces that I had that would fit. There is still some work to be done on it but it turned out ok, abit of old school.