I first read about it in Faeit 212, where was passed on from stickmonkey on Farseer. Rather than trying to rephrase the whole thing, I think it's best to simply pass along what was originally said. Read it while I try to regain my breath. The plastic (!) models coming up sound amazing (despite the traditional and oh so unpractical haircut which is still there).
(Link to original HERE)
I'm posting this in the rumor section on purpose, but it's more of a review.
I got to get a good look at a new protoype basic sister, and I'm hoping one of our other sources can sneak a picture out once they see it. The reason is, this sister has a "veil". Words cannot describe...the detailing is phenomenal. The veil is a separate piece, but it looks gorgeous. If they can get this right in molding the sisters wave will be beautiful models. If you've seen this one, you know what I mean... I begged to take a photo for here, but no luck.
The model maintains the existing armor styling, but with more filigree. Little details like lace boot tops, small details in the armor. Look at the evolution of daemonettes to wyches, and think what the next step would be.
The bolters however are now streamlined, they are not the marine bolter we've known and loved, but still recognizable. Feminine.
I know I'm getting folks worked up, but sisters are still a long way off, it will be a long wait. So temper any enthusiasm.
I've had a chance to gather notes and thoughts a bit more now that I've completed my work today and had time to get a pint and a bite...
So to clarify a few bits.
The lace, is not laces, its lace around the top of the boot. at the knee. the model has like a pirate style boot and the lace is around the top edge..or thats my take away of what it was.
The bolter is still most certainly a bolter, but look at the existing line, the bolters are disproportioned...especially the bolt pistols...to the models. the new ones are much more like the AoBR SM bolters. With straps, etc. and are separate pieces from arms. they "look" slighty thinner than a SM bolter and have a different shape to the over all gun, but they are not "Girly" i did not have a SM handy to compare directly, so it could just be impression. Also, they have abandoned the banana clip completely it seems.
the veil covered the whole head, its an alternate to the helmet, the face piece is just separate. think cobra commander vs vera wang wedding.
the torso has small details in the corset, i think skulls.
the tabard between the legs had flur de lis details.
there are "sleeves" similar to the image on 19 of the current WH book. similar, but not identical.
I'll reiterate this is a prototype though, not what has necessarily been approved. But as a beta stage model, i really like it, and I think a teaser of it would really build up excitement...hint hint GW overlords...

Overall when i see the current sisters their are very "bulky" these new ones are very graceful, but in a brutal way. the poses are much more dynamic and agressive. not everyone has their feet planted shoulder width apart torso straight on to their opponents....
I was told there will be numerous head options for the sisters, in the way theyve been doing all releases, but the "bob cut" is the preferred hairstyle.
I'm also told sisters repentia, priests, celestians, and seraphim will get new models with seraphim likely to adopt jump packs similar to the sanguinary guard...though I saw no evidence of this. No word on arco flaggelants.
Penitent engine is getting reworked as well.
And of course you saw my Jan rumor post. To provide a clue, Dominion squads.
Inq forces should all be updated by the GK release, so no news there for SoB, but they are expected to be present in the codex.
I also know of a few more "new" units that are being developed.
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